What Is The Fit, Strong & Healthy Program?
It’s a health, fitness and lifestyle coachiong program designed to get you fitter, stronger and healthier so that you can enjoy a more rewarding lifestyle.
Who Is The FSH Program For?
If you’re anything like the people below, and are looking for the same amazing results, then the Fit, Strong & Healthy Program is for you!
Denis Coleman
Denis was a smoker, 40+lbs overweight, constantly struggling with low energy and felt out of shape.
If he didn’t take action to turn around his lifestyle, exercise and nutrition habits, he was heading for serious health problems that would not only affect him, but also his family business.
“I work a lot of hours (Steve’s note: Denis runs his own business so the hours can get pretty crazy!) and am married with 3 kids.
I was tired all the time, didn’t feel great and was struggling to stay focused at work and at home. I’m in my 40’s and used to exercise on and off but never stuck with it but knew I needed to change this”
Denis Coleman
Self-Employed, Husband, Father Of 3
Client For Over 4 Years
Denis joined the FST Program and within a few months had:
- dropped over 50lbs of excess weight
- transformed his physique
- massively boosetd his energy levels
- overhauled his lifestyle, exercise and eating habits
- got fitter, stronger and healthier than ever
“So far I have lost 50+lb of fat (Steve’s note: Denis has now lost over 55lb of body fat) and over 10 inches off my body.
I feel great, have lots more energy, and I’m a lot more focused at work and at home.
My general mobility has also improved and this is the first time in my life that I’ve been able to sustain an exercise program because I enjoy it now and can see the results”
Denis Coleman
Self-Employed, Husband, Father Of 3
Client For Over 4 Years
If you’re looking for a fitness program that will give you the same results as Denis, and teach you how to sustain them long-term, our 30 Day Trial is step 1 in getting started.
Aine Spillane
Aine Story will be posted soon, so in the meantime please watch her inspiring video below
Aine was 70+lbs overweight, on multiple medications and constantly struggling with low energy and felt completely out of shape.
She had also tried several other training programs but they were all short lived.
If Aine didn’t take action and turn around her lifestyle, exercise and nutrition habits, he was heading for serious health problems that would not only affect him, but also his family business.
Aine joined the FST Program and has since:
- dropped over 75lbs of excess weight
- transformed her physique, lifestyle, nutrition and quality of life
- massively boosetd her energy levels
- overhauled his lifestyle, exercise and eating habits
- got fitter, stronger and healthier than ever
If you’re looking for a fitness program that will give you the same results as Aine, and teach you how to sustain them long-term, our 30 Day Trial is step 1 in getting started