We’re currently in the process of updating our staff bio’s so check back in a few days
Steve McGrath- Owner and Head Coach
Ok, here’s a bit little bit about me.
I’ve been a coach for over 15 years and have a BA in Strength & Conditioning.
I opened my facility with the aim of supporting our clients to live healthy, active and more rewarding lives. As a husband (shout out to my beautiful and unreal wife Susan) and father to a great little son and daughter, I truly believe that living a healthier lifestyle allows you to get the most out of life and your relationships.
I’d love to say I’m a naturally healthy, fit man but tunfortunately that’s not true. I’ve had to put a lot of time and effort into overcoming a lot of health, fitness and lifestyle challenges.
For a long time I found myself in a nasty rut where I was constantly fatigued and struggling to get through the day, drinking to the point of ill-health, massively in debt (with nothing to show for it!!) and chrocincally stressed.
I’ve a very addcitive personality and this has led me down the road of drinking 12 cans of coke and lucozade a day, eating 3+ bars of chocoalte a day and living on deli/fast food!!! All this resulted in me getting gastritis, an absolutely horrendously painful stomach condition, as well as an agressive skin condition which didn’t do much for my confidence.
Thankfully I was able to overcome these issues and get out of the rut I was in and now teach these same principles to our clients. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can do it!
To help manage my stress levels and keep me focused, I find nothing better than hammering out a few Irish tunes on the banjo and tin whistle, much to the delight of my wife Susan, daughter and son 🙂
I’m a big believer in making your health and fitness routine a part of your life, without it taking over it, and I truly believe that everyone has the time and ability to do it.
Taking care of your strength, fitness, cardiovascualr conditioning, nutrtion, stress levels, mental health, sleep, etc. will positively impact every area of your life (mental health, relationships, work, etc.) and it doesn’t have to take over your life. They just need to be a consistent a part of it.
So that’s a litle about myself, and as you can see, a big strength of mine as a coach is that I can relate to my clients, because I’ve been in so many of their shoes!!