During the summer my sisters decided to join Reset Fitness and they made me go with them to their consultation with Steve.
I didn’t play sports and I avoided exercise whenever possible. I ate pretty well but I smoked ,so I decided that I would also join because my level of exercise was zero.
I set out goals at the start and going from zero, I can now deadlift 60kg, do 6 unassisted push ups and my level of fitness has improved dramatically. I have more energy, I feel stronger, I am less inclined to get sick, my general mood is better and I have been educated to the standard that I am aware of what I eat and how it effects my body.
I love the atmosphere in the gym. It’s welcoming and all the staff are always supportive.
All the necessary tools to succeed in achieving my goals were provided-recipes, diaries,study hall,nutrition talks.It is great to receive the newsletter and have the continued support from the gym on the closed group Facebook page and the website.
I received a level of instruction that was highly qualified, friendly and supportive.For example on a recent holiday I went to the gym ,something I had never even thought about before.
While training I was complemented on my technique to which I replied “its all down to my coach”.
My advice to anyone thinking of joining Reset Fitness is to take the first step and go to your free consultation.
Nobody could have been more resistant than me and 7 months later I am so glad I took the first step.
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