A client asked recently how some people can let themselves go to such an extent that they become severely overweight, constantly fatigued, physically incapable of doing the most basic things, etc. He himself had hit a certain weight which was the heaviest he had ever been and this set off alarm bells in his head that he needed to take action to get on top of his weight, lifestyle, health and fitness.
Unfortunately many people either never hear the alarm bells or they ignore them. Either way they end up year after year getting into a huge rut where their quality of life is non-existent in so many ways.
We’ve come across people from all walks of life who didn’t heed the warning signs for years until, for whatever reason, something finally clicked and moved them to taking action.
Here are some of the most common warning signs that should make you stop for a minute and say “I really need to get on top of this before it’s too late”. We have come across all these many times and have helped support and educate hundreds of clients to make the necessary changes.
1) You can’t put your shoes or socks on
This is very common. You might be in pain doing it or simply can’t reach due to being overweight or immobile. We’ve had clients tell us that their spouse has to put their shoes on for them and clients who were unable to put socks on in the morning. Whatever the cause, if you struggle with these basic living skills it needs to be sorted ASAP.
2) You are excessively overweight or obese
This isn’t so much of a warning sign. It’s more a result of years of ignoring the countless warning signs that presented themselves:
- Weight going up and up year after year
- Not being able to buy regular clothes
- Not being physically capable of doing simple tasks easily- walking, getting dressed, standing up, etc.
- Advice from medical professionals such as doctors, heart specialists, etc.
There is non easy solution for this. A gradual overhaul of your entire lifestyle over the course of several years is the only way to change your situation. It’ll take hard and smart work, consistency, professional support and patience.
3) You are constantly in pain
Many people are constantly in pain. This can be due to many reasons such as postural habits, past injuries, disease, etc. What we see alot of is that people who are in pain doing nothing about it for years. Clients who can’t get out of bed in the morning or stand up out of a chair simply accepting it for years.
If a client ever comes to us in pain we always refer out as diagnosing pain is out of a strength and conditioning coaches scope of knowledge. Even so, if you are in constant pain you need to take this as a warning sign that all is not well and go about getting it sorted. There is a price to pay if you don’t
4) You constantly feel terrible
We get a lot of clients come to us simply because they are sick of feeling so horrible every day. They know they have a lot of changes to make but don’t know how to go about it in a smart way.
On the other hand, countless people feel horrible every day for years and once again they simply do nothing about it. There comes a time when there body says enough is enough and starts to rebel.
Here are a few of the main self-inflicted reasons for making people feel like shit:
- no exercise
- a highly processed diet void of nutrients
- Dehydration
- Lack of sleep
- Smoking
- No stress management strategies in place
- Being overweight
- Very little fresh air
I’ve never seen a case where one of the above existed on its own. There are usually a few of them bundled together e.g. smoking, no exercise routine and terrible nutrition habits. No surprise you don’t feel great.
Have you ignored some of these warning signs for too long? Are they just starting to show themselves now? Get on top of them ASAP if you answered yes. Your present self might whinge and moan for a while but your future self will thank you for it.
If you need a hand to get started and are serious about about it, click on the free consultation banner below and one of our team will get in touch with you.
Also, don’t miss out on our public talk SUSTAINABLE FITNESS AND FAT LOSS FOR BUSY PEOPLE will is taking place next Thursday October 16th (2014) at 8pm at our facility. This will be a very informatve talk for anyone struggling to get fit, active and lean due to time constraints, buys work schedules, etc.
Check out the full details here and get in touch to book your place.
Stay healthy guys.
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