After living a highly sedentary lifestyle for all of his adult life, Kevin came to us looking for a total health, fitness and lifestyle overhaul. Years of inactivity and bad habits were taking their toll on Kevins confidence and physical health.
“My origanl goals were to lose body fat, get healthier and fitter and just get back in shape. I was spending a lot of time watching tv instead of getting up and doing things to improve my quality of life.
My lifestyle consisted of a lot of drinking, processed foods and I was doing absolutely no exercise whatsoever. I was pretty lazy.”
Obviously this lifestyle took it’s toll and Kevin knew he had to do something about it.
“I wasn’t really happy and my confidence levels were low. It’s hard to be happy in yourself when you are in a rut like that. You know you should be up doing stuff but you never do so you just end up doing the same thing over and over.
I knew I had to get on top of things for a while but the fear of going into a gym, not knowing what to do if I went and a lack of confidence held me back from taking action sooner.
Because í was in a rut and lacking the confidence to get started, it was just easier to stay at home and do nothing than it was to get up off my ass and do something.”
This mindset is very common with a lot of people and it holds so many of them back from taking action. It wasn’t until Kevin saw a picture of another client who had successfully done what Kevin himself needed to do that he finally took action.
This was a huge step for Kevin as he hadn’t been active since a teenager and was really out of shape and de-conditioned.
“I saw a post on Facebook with a photo of someone I knew and they had done what I needed to do. Then one day I saw myself in the mirror and I knew I needed to do something about it so I got in touch.”
As with all our clients, Kevins first step was to get an assessment done so we could put a plan in place that was suitable for Kevins starting health and fitness level. From this we then set a few goals and got started.
“My first goals were simply to get started, lose a bit of junk weight and just to feel a bit better and healthier in myself. Once I started to see and feel the results it gave me the confidence and drive to carry on and climb my way out of the rut I was in.”
But it wasn’t all plain sailing. Kevin had to put in the effort and get to work on building his habits and mindset to support his goals so there was a bit of work to do.
“Getting a grip on the amount of drinking I was doing, nailing the poor nutrition habits and getting active were my big focuses and I’m delighted that they have paid off in a much better quality of life for me. I’m her;luthier, fitter and stronger than I’ve ever been and I’ve a totally different outlook on life with regard to my health, food and fitness.
One of the biggest benefits for me has been my increased confidence levels. I get out of the house much more now and go for walks (which don’t make me out of breath anymore) and I enjoy life much more because I take care of myself much better. I never thought I’d be able to bench press and do deadlifts but now they are a normal part of my program.
Before I’d shy away from challenges that I thought I wouldn’t be able for but now I’d try anything because I’m much more confident in my abilities. The way my program s have been steadily increased has helped me a lot with this. I never felt overwhelmed or that any goal was out of reach.”
So far Kevin has lost over 2 and a half stone of junk weight, achieved a 201kg trap bar deadlift, achieved 25 consecutive push ups, bench pressed 85kg, front squatted 95kg and is on track to achieve his next goal of 10 chin ups. He has also come off his reflux medication, has completely revamped his nutrition, has developed a very healthy and non-restrictive lifestyle (that includes his favourite foods and nights out), gained 10 times more confidence and looks 10 years younger than when he started.
This didn’t happen overnight and involved put in a the work on a consistent basis. Having a team to guide him and hold him accountable along the way was a big piece of the puzzle for Kevin and we are delighted to have played a part in his success.
“The atmosphere in the gym is great and the guys really know what they are doing. The way my program is tailored to my goals and ready for me when I come in really helps me along and I find it great for staying on track because I know what I’m doing every time I come in.
I met a few challenges along the way such as confidence issues, late nights at work and saying no to so many drinking nights out with friends but once I started seeing and feeling the results it became so much easier and is now a part of my everyday life. A big thing that helped me was I went completely off drink for the first 2 and a half months of my program and just focused on implementing the information that the guys were giving me. I could see huge changes in myself and that motivated me to keep going forward because there was nothing for me in my old lifestyle- keep looking forward and make myself better in the long run”
When asked his advice for anyone looking to improve their quality of life the way he has, Kevin advice was “Just get over the initial fear of the gym and get in and get started. Once you get started you’ll be hooked. Everyone is so sound, you’re introduced to all the other clients so everyone gets to know each other and support each other.
This creates a great environment in which to be successful with your goals and makes it so much easier to enjoy your program and and stay consistent with it. It’s a great community and I’m delighted with it!”
From all the team here at Steve McGrath Health & Performance, well done Kev. You’re doing a great job and we’re de;lighted to see the benefits of it flow into so many areas of your life.
If Kevins’ story has motivated and inspired you to take action, click the banner below to get started.
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