One of the 10 core habits we try to instil in clients is to eat enough healthy protein each day.
The reality for so many people is that their diets are built heavily on carb and poor quality fats, and massively lacking enough healthy protein, which is super important for 2 key reasons:
- They help regulate appetite so your you are less likely to eat as much junk or consume excess calories
- They help maintain lean muscle tissue for a leaner physique and a healthier metabolism
One tactic to improve your protein intake is to eat protein with all your meals so you spread it out over the day making it easier to hit your targets.
This includes your snacks which are a great opportunity to keep those protein levels up, but are ignored by most people- our Peanut Butter Protein Fluff recipe is a great option to do just that.
It tastes delicious and is absolutely packed full of vitamins, fibre, protein minerals and more.
- 💥 150-200g Greek Yoghurt- a great protein source
- 💥2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter
- 💥 2 tsp stevia
- 💥 Topping of your choice; banana, granola, blueberries
- 💥 I also add in a scoop of protein to bring my protein level up
Method- it’s pretty simple
- 1️⃣ Add the yoghurt, nut butter and stevia into a small mixing bowl
- 2️⃣ Whisk together using a hand mixer until fluffy
- 3️⃣ Add the yoghurt, nut butter, and stevia into a small mixing bowl
If you’re looking to be fit, strong and healthy, start making full use of your snacks to top up your protein levels, starting today by giving this recipe a shot.
So give it a shot and let me know what you think of it in the comments section
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